There is much more to lightweight cultured marble than light weight! By itself, the concept of lightweight implies easier handling and consequently fewer injuries. Additional benefits come via the areas of insulation, durability, and thermal shock improvements, as well as potential reductions in titanium dioxide use.

Thermal shock performance of cultured marble is always enhanced by the use of lightweight fillers. American Stone Pioneers' Sil-Cell lightweight fillers and preblended Pioneer Marble fillers are easy to use. The Pioneer Marble grades are also fiber-reinforced to improve physical properties and may further improve thermal shock values.

Lightweight marble also provides insulation and is more machineable. Standard marble acts as a tremendous heat sink. It is cold until a very large amount of hot water is introduced, thus wasting both water and energy. Lightweight marble tubs allow the water to retain its heat and so not only saves the consumer on bath water and energy, but keeps the bather warmer during a long bath.

Insurance premiums (Worker's Compensation and others) may be reduced if a good, injury-free environment can be maintained. Shops having problems can help themselves improve on this score by manufacturing lighter parts.

Durability of cultured marble can be improved in the sense that white discoloration's (blushing) are reduced with lightweight marble if the integrity of the gelcoat is breached or in non-gelcoated parts. Thermal shock and impact resistances are also generally improved.

A starting formula removes approximately 22 percent of the weight. One such formula follows:

Resin: 26 parts by weight

Calcium Carbonate: 50 parts by weight

Sil-Cell: 3 parts by weight

For further information contact us by e-mail.


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American Stone Pioneers
P.O. Box 4083
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Phone: 310-377-7977  Fax: 310-377-1287